Freitag, 26. August 2011

Hello, once again!
•Here's another piece of art I did today, I hope you enjoy it. It's my first gif!
•This is one of those days where I'm wearing my pyjamas since I woke up this morning and my butt hurts because of sitting the whole day in front of the computer. First World Problems.
•I rewatched "Legend" today. A movie I really loved when I was younger though I used to hate the princess. Now, ten years later nothing changed. She is still all over the stupid, incompetent bitch she used to be.
•I like Miss Li's new album.


1 Kommentar:

  1. Deiner ist viel cooler, denn ich kann nicht damit angeben die Bilder auf meinem Blog selber gemacht zu haben :D Vor allem diese extrem geile gif Datei!
